Technician with clipboard smiling and shaking hands with customer

MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait

MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait provides broad-spectrum control for ants, cockroaches, crickets, slugs, snails, silverfish and other occasional home invaders. 

Labels, SDS and State Availability

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Rep Finder

Benefits of MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait

Beneficial features for both you and your customers

  • Active ingredient is boric acid, mined directly from Mother Earth
  • Excellent choice for sensitive accounts and can be used for preventative and curative treatments
  • Labeled for outdoor and indoor applications, and for broadcast and crack & crevice applications
  • Formulated for long-lasting efficacy
  • OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Listed® for organic use